Concession of AFA Torrevieja subsidy programs of general interest to meet social purposes charged to the regional section of the tax allocation of the.
Concession of AFA Torrevieja subsidy programs of general interest to meet social purposes charged to the regional section of the tax allocation of the 2020 para la realización de programas de interés general para atender a fines de carácter social con cargo al tramo autonómico de la asignación tributaria del 0,7% Personal Income Tax, for exercise 2020. Agradecer a la Vicepresidenta y Consellería de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas.
Since thanks to this subsidy we will be able to carry out the following programs during the year 2021:
PROGRAM 1 Atención Integral en Centros de Día: 7.386,70 €
PROGRAM 2 Comprehensive care at home: 1.887,32 €
PROGRAM 3 Promoción y Formación al voluntariado: 2.400,67€
PROGRAM 4 Apoyo y Formación Sociosanitaria a familiares y personas cuidadoras: 3.509,86€
PROGRAM 5: Impresora y Pantallas táctiles para la Asociación de Alzheimer de Torrevieja: 1.346,00€
Thank you for the trust placed in our work to be able to continue offering our day-to-day care services and improve the quality of life of our users and that of their families and caregivers..